Boost _ Folks Finance 33596 - [Smart Contract - Low] Incorrect rounding direction in HubPoolLogicupdateWithRepayWithCollateral can lead to accounting error of total token amount in HubPool

Submitted on Wed Jul 24 2024 08:13:31 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @nnez for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33596

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



Users can choose to repay their debt with the same type of collateral in their loan by calling repayWithCollateral function in SpokeCommon endpoint. At almost the end of the execution flow, the final accounting is done in the following function:

File: /contracts/hub/logic/HubPoolLogic.sol
function updateWithRepayWithCollateral(
    HubPoolState.PoolData storage pool,
    uint256 principalPaid,
    uint256 interestPaid,
    uint256 loanStableRate
) external returns (DataTypes.RepayWithCollateralPoolParams memory repayWithCollateralPoolParams) {
    if (loanStableRate > 0) {
        pool.stableBorrowData.averageInterestRate = MathUtils.calcDecreasingAverageStableBorrowInterestRate(
        pool.stableBorrowData.totalAmount -= principalPaid;
    } else pool.variableBorrowData.totalAmount -= principalPaid;

    pool.depositData.totalAmount -= principalPaid - interestPaid;
    repayWithCollateralPoolParams.fAmount = (principalPaid + interestPaid).toFAmount(


File: /contracts/hub/libraries/MathUtils.sol
function toFAmount(uint256 underlyingAmount, uint256 depositInterestIndexAtT) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return underlyingAmount.mulDiv(ONE_18_DP, depositInterestIndexAtT);

File: /contracts/hub/logic/LoanManagerLogic.sol
function executeRepayWithCollateral(
    ... snipped
    // update the pool
    DataTypes.RepayWithCollateralPoolParams memory repayWithCollateralPoolParams = pool
        .updatePoolWithRepayWithCollateral(principalPaid, interestPaid, loanStableRate);

    // decrease the user loan collateral and global collateral used for loan type
    userLoan.decreaseCollateral(params.poolId, repayWithCollateralPoolParams.fAmount);
    ... snipped

A rounding issue occurs in the updateWithRepayWithCollateral function. If principalPaid + interestPaid equals 1 wei, the toFAmount function rounds down to zero.

The problem arises because repayWithCollateralPoolParams.fAmount is used to reduce the user's collateral amount used in repayment. This leads to a situation where the debt is repaid, the token amount is deducted from the HubPool (from depositData.totalAmount) but the corresponding collateral is not deducted.

Although the accounting error is in a dust amount, I believe this is a technically valid bug and should be fixed to ensure the correctness of the accounting in the HubPool.


  • Accounting error on the totalAmount in HubPool

Proof of concept


A test file in the secret gist does the following:

  • Deposit USDC, then borrow USDC.

  • RepayWithCollateral with amount=1 wei.

  • Show that debt is repaid for 1 wei, but collateral balance is not deducted.


  1. Run forge init --no-commit --no-git --vscode.

  2. Create a new test file, FolksRounding.t.sol in test directory.

  3. Put the test from secret gist in the file:

  4. Run forge t --match-contract FolksRoundingTest -vv

  5. Observe that debt is repaid for 1 wei, but collateral balance is not deducted.

Last updated

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