29060 - [SC - Medium] initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido decreases totalA...
Submitted on Mar 6th 2024 at 02:04:33 UTC by @OxDEADBEEF for Boost | Puffer Finance
Report ID: #29060
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd9a442856c234a39a81a089c06451ebaa4306a72
Permanent freezing of funds
When a user deposits stETH into the PufferVault - he will receive shares based on the total assets the vault holds.
The assets amount calculation adds all the floating eth values that are deposited into other platforms for yield and current stETH and eth balance.
When an operator calls initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
- the vault transfers stETH to LIDO and increases an internal counter (lidoLockedETH
However - the amount transferred and the amount the counter is increment can be different.
Vulnerability Details
The main issue is with how stETH
balance is calculated. There is a known 1-2 wei corner case (https://docs.lido.fi/guides/lido-tokens-integration-guide/#1-2-wei-corner-case) which impacts the exact number of tokens moved.
Therefore when initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
is called lidoLockedETH
can be incremented to a higher value then the actual amount of stETH
Impact Details
the call to initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
will decrease totalAssets().
Depositors that deposit before initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
will receive more shares then depositors that deposit after initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
Proof of Concept
This POC shows that a depositor before initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
will earn more shares then a deposit after initiateETHWithdrawalsFromLido
Add the following test to test/Integration/PufferTest.integration.t.sol
Last updated
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