31597 - [SC - High] Loss of precision while calculating claimable f...

Submitted on May 21st 2024 at 16:09:53 UTC by @savi0ur for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #31597

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: High

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/FluxToken.sol


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value


Bug Description


/// @notice Multiplier for the slope of the decay
uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER = 2;


int256 internal constant iMULTIPLIER = 2;


function _calculatePoint(LockedBalance memory _locked, uint256 _time) internal pure returns (Point memory point) {
    if (_locked.end > _time && _locked.amount > 0) {
        point.slope = _locked.maxLockEnabled ? int256(0) : (int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) / iMAXTIME;
        point.bias = _locked.maxLockEnabled
            ? ((int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) / iMAXTIME) * (int256(_locked.end - _time))
            : (point.slope * (int256(_locked.end - _time)));

As we can see, iMULTIPLIER and MULTIPLIER is set to 2, which is not sufficient to preserve the precision.

point.slope and point.bias are calculated as follow:

point.slope = _locked.maxLockEnabled ? int256(0) : (int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) / iMAXTIME;

point.bias = _locked.maxLockEnabled
            ? ((int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) / iMAXTIME) * (int256(_locked.end - _time))
            : (point.slope * (int256(_locked.end - _time)));

When (int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) < iMAXTIME and ((int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) < iMAXTIME, it results in zero. So for the locked amounts which is small enough when multiplied by iMULTIPLIER=2 end up being lower than iMAXTIME, will not be counted in bias and slope calculation. At that point in time, there slope and bias will be zero.

For example,

_locked.amount = (iMAXTIME / 2) - 1 = (365 days / 2) - 1 = 15767999

_locked.maxLockEnabled = false

point.slope = (int256(_locked.amount) * iMULTIPLIER) / iMAXTIME;
			= (15767999 * 2) / 365 days
			= 0

point.bias  = (point.slope * (int256(_locked.end - _time)))
			= (0 * (int256(_locked.end - _time)))
			= 0

As we can, both slope and bias become zero.


function getClaimableFlux(uint256 _amount, address _nft) public view returns (uint256 claimableFlux) {
    uint256 bpt = calculateBPT(_amount);

    uint256 veMul = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).MULTIPLIER();
    uint256 veMax = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).MAXTIME();
    uint256 fluxPerVe = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).fluxPerVeALCX();
    uint256 fluxMul = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).fluxMultiplier();

    // Amount of flux earned in 1 yr from _amount assuming it was deposited for maxtime
    claimableFlux = (((bpt * veMul) / veMax) * veMax * (fluxPerVe + BPS)) / BPS / fluxMul; //@audit

    // Claimable flux for alchemechNFT is different than patronNFT
    if (_nft == alchemechNFT) {
        claimableFlux = (claimableFlux * alchemechMultiplier) / BPS;

Similarly, in getClaimableFlux function, claimableFlux is calculated as

claimableFlux = (((bpt * veMul) / veMax) * veMax * (fluxPerVe + BPS)) / BPS / fluxMul;

Here also, veMul = 2 as its fetched from VotingEscrow's multiplier.


Precision loss while calculating claimable flux and point's bias and slope.


Increase MULTIPLIER and iMULTIPLIER precision from 2 to 1e18, for higher precision.


  • https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/VotingEscrow.sol

  • https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/FluxToken.sol

Proof Of Concept

Steps to Run using Foundry:

  • Paste following foundry code in src/test/FluxToken.t.sol

  • Run using FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract FluxTokenTest --match-test testPrecisionLoss -vv

function testPrecisionLoss() external {
    uint256 tokenId = 4;
    address ownerOfPatronNFT = IAlEthNFT(patronNFT).ownerOf(tokenId);
    // address ownerOfAlchemechNFT = IAlchemechNFT(alchemechNFT).ownerOf(tokenId);

    assertEq(flux.balanceOf(ownerOfPatronNFT), 0, "owner should have no flux");
    // assertEq(flux.balanceOf(ownerOfAlchemechNFT), 0, "owner should have no flux");

    uint256 tokenData1 = IAlEthNFT(patronNFT).tokenData(tokenId);
    uint256 patronTotal = flux.getClaimableFlux(tokenData1, patronNFT);
    // console.log("patronTotal:", patronTotal);

    uint256 _bpt = flux.calculateBPT(tokenData1);

    uint256 veMul = 200000;//IVotingEscrow(veALCX).MULTIPLIER();
    uint256 veMax = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).MAXTIME();
    uint256 fluxPerVe = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).fluxPerVeALCX();
    uint256 fluxMul = IVotingEscrow(veALCX).fluxMultiplier();

    // Amount of flux earned in 1 yr from _amount assuming it was deposited for maxtime
    uint claimableFlux = (((_bpt * veMul) / veMax) * veMax * (fluxPerVe + BPS)) / BPS / fluxMul;
    console.log("patronTotal  :", patronTotal);
    console.log("claimableFlux:", claimableFlux);

Console Output:

> FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract FluxTokenTest --match-test testPrecisionLoss -vv

Ran 1 test for src/test/FluxToken.t.sol:FluxTokenTest
[PASS] testPrecisionLoss() (gas: 47036)
  patronTotal  : 7499756087469342000
  claimableFlux: 749975608747561793994000

As we can see, by increasing MULTIPLIER, precision has increased. We have used 200000 as MULTIPLIER here to show precision issue as it was set 2 initially.

Last updated

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