#35732 [SC-Low] Withdrawals can not be paused which could lead to protocol insolvency in case of issues
Submitted on Oct 5th 2024 at 15:48:17 UTC by @SimaoAmaro for IOP | Swaylend
Report ID: #35732
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Low
Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/market/src/main.sw
Protocol insolvency
The `PauseConfiguration` has the `withdraw_paused` flag, allowing the protocol to pause withdrawals. However, the market's `withdraw_collateral()` [function}(https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/34ada63c18efd163ef80694c404d0573d49d46b4/contracts/market/src/main.sw#L305) does not check if it is paused, leading to users always being able to withdraw funds and the protocol's insolvency depending on the reason the withdrawal is paused.
Vulnerability Details
The `withdraw_collateral()` never checks that withdrawals are paused as mentioned above. However, withdraw_base() or CompoundV3::withdrawInternal() (Swaylend is a compound v3 fork) do check if withdrawals are paused.
Impact Details
Protocol funds are at risk due to the inability of the protocol to pause withdrawals when necessary.
https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/34ada63c18efd163ef80694c404d0573d49d46b4/contracts/market/src/main.sw#L305 https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/34ada63c18efd163ef80694c404d0573d49d46b4/contracts/market/src/main.sw#L456 https://github.com/compound-finance/comet/blob/main/contracts/Comet.sol#L1087
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Modify the test file `main_test_uni_no_debug_mode.rs` as following. The test still passes, when it should not as withdrawals are paused. ```diff diff --git a/contracts/market/tests/local_tests/main_test_uni_no_debug_mode.rs b/contracts/market/tests/local_tests/main_test_uni_no_debug_mode.rs index 6976dc8..9bcdfa1 100644 --- a/contracts/market/tests/local_tests/main_test_uni_no_debug_mode.rs +++ b/contracts/market/tests/local_tests/main_test_uni_no_debug_mode.rs @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use fuels::programs::calls::{CallHandler, CallParameters}; use fuels::programs::responses::CallResponse; use fuels::types::transaction::TxPolicies; use fuels::types::transaction_builders::VariableOutputPolicy; -use market::PriceDataUpdate; +use market::{PriceDataUpdate, PauseConfiguration}; use market_sdk::{convert_i256_to_u64, is_i256_negative, parse_units};
// Multiplies all values by this number @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ async fn main_test_no_debug() { let scale_9 = 10u64.pow(9) as f64; let TestData { wallets,
@@ -567,6 +568,20 @@ async fn main_test_no_debug() { // 🤙 Call: withdraw_collateral // 💰 Amount: 270 UNI
let pause_config = PauseConfiguration {
let admin_pause_collat_res = market
let amount = market .get_user_collateral(chad_account, uni.asset_id) .await ```
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