28833 - [SC - Insight] Missing slippage protection in functions deposi...
Submitted on Feb 28th 2024 at 12:35:02 UTC by @MrPotatoMagic for Boost | Puffer Finance
Report ID: #28833
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0x7276925e42f9c4054afa2fad80fa79520c453d6a
Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
The functions depositWstETH()
and depositStETH()
in PufferDepositor.sol and the functions deposit()
and mint()
in PufferVault.sol allow users to obtain pufETH tokens. But these functions do not allow the user to pass in a minAmountOut
parameter to specify the minimum amount of shares they want to receive. Due to this, users will be prone to intentional MEV attacks and unintentional slippage from other users., which will cause them to receive less than expected shares.
Note: This issue is different from that reported in the Blocksec report, which talks about slippage in the swap functions only (which are OOS).
Blocksec report (see details of 2.3.1 for proof) - https://github.com/blocksecteam/audit-reports/blob/main/solidity/blocksec_puffer_v1.0-signed.pdf
Additionally, the ERC4626 EIP mentions that: If implementors intend to support EOA account access directly, they should consider adding an additional function call for deposit/mint/withdraw/redeem with the means to accommodate slippage loss or unexpected deposit/withdrawal limits, since they have no other means to revert the transaction if the exact output amount is not achieved.
EIP4626 - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4626#security-considerations
Vulnerability Details
First, let's look at the functions
. Both functions currently only take in WstETH or StETH and provide users with pufETH, without verifying if the return value of pufETH amount received is atleast of a certain minimum amount. This is due to a lack ofminAmountOut
parameter, which checks if thepufETHAmount
returned is greater than equal to it. If true, we should finish execution but if not then the execution should be reverted.
Second. let's take a look at the function
in PufferVault.sol. These functions are publicly accessible and allow users (who have already approved the vault with StETH) to obtain pufETH tokens. The same issue mentioned above applies to these functions as well. In case of mint(), the call would revert since the slippage requires the user to approve more assets to the vault contract.
Impact Details
The issue has been marked as Medium-severity since:
When a user uses functions
, they receive lesser shares than expected due to the slippage.When a user uses function
, the slippage could cause the user to receive lesser shares or entirely revert due to enough assets not being approved.This is mentioned as a security consideration in EIP4626.
Proof of Concept
How to use this POC:
Add the POC to PufferVaultMainnet.fork.t.sol
At the top of the file, add { Test , console} to the namespace. The same is needed to be done in the TestHelper.sol file.
Add the RPC url for mainnet in setUp() in TestHelper.sol
Run the POC using
forge test --mt testMissingSlippageIssue -vvv
Last updated
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