Reports by Severity
#34836 [SC-Medium] Malicious party can make it impossible for debt to be completely repaid by donating a few tbtc to `stBTC.sol`
#34712 [SC-Medium] Malicious users can block repay debt transactions with no cost
#34851 [SC-Low] Adversary can freeze users' fund in stBTC using donation attack on MezoAllocator
#34729 [SC-Low] `releaseDeposit` will likely fail, putting funds in MezoAllocator at risk of being permanently stuck
#34748 [SC-Low] Last withdrawer can be prevented from withdrawing their assets
#34999 [SC-Low] The tBTC in the MezoAllocator itself is not considered in the withdrawal function
#34672 [SC-Low] Protocol runs insolvent due to incorrect reliance on depositBalance which doesn't match holder balances
#34995 [SC-Low] `mintDebt()` and `repayDebt()` should return `assets` and not `shares`
#35026 [SC-Low] `repayDebt` in stbtc returns a worng value
#35014 [SC-Low] Incorrect rounding in mintDebt function might allow minimal shares dilution
#34978 [SC-Low] Protocol runs insolvent due to incorrect reliance on depositBalance which doesn't match holder balances
#34959 [SC-Low] `mintDebt` returns a wrong value
#34998 [SC-Insight] Deposited assets in an old dispatcher may be lost when swapping to a new dispatcher
Reports by Type
Smart Contract
#34836 [SC-Medium] Malicious party can make it impossible for debt to be completely repaid by donating a few tbtc to `stBTC.sol`
#34851 [SC-Low] Adversary can freeze users' fund in stBTC using donation attack on MezoAllocator
#34729 [SC-Low] `releaseDeposit` will likely fail, putting funds in MezoAllocator at risk of being permanently stuck
#34748 [SC-Low] Last withdrawer can be prevented from withdrawing their assets
#34999 [SC-Low] The tBTC in the MezoAllocator itself is not considered in the withdrawal function
#34672 [SC-Low] Protocol runs insolvent due to incorrect reliance on depositBalance which doesn't match holder balances
#34998 [SC-Insight] Deposited assets in an old dispatcher may be lost when swapping to a new dispatcher
#34712 [SC-Medium] Malicious users can block repay debt transactions with no cost
#34995 [SC-Low] `mintDebt()` and `repayDebt()` should return `assets` and not `shares`
#35026 [SC-Low] `repayDebt` in stbtc returns a worng value
#35014 [SC-Low] Incorrect rounding in mintDebt function might allow minimal shares dilution
#34978 [SC-Low] Protocol runs insolvent due to incorrect reliance on depositBalance which doesn't match holder balances
#34959 [SC-Low] `mintDebt` returns a wrong value
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