31443 - [SC - Insight] Incorrect values of votingDelay and votingPerio...

Submitted on May 19th 2024 at 11:50:41 UTC by @OxRizwan for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #31443

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://immunefi.com


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



Incorrect values of votingDelay and votingPeriod would break intended design of governance

Vulnerability Details

AlchemixGovernor contract has inherited L2Governor contract which is governance functionalities like propose, cancel, execute and vote of proposals.

One of the important aspects of any governance proposals are votingDelay and votingPeriod and these are used as below in abstract L2Governor:

    uint256 public votingDelay = 2 days;
    uint256 public votingPeriod = 3 days;

These values have been used in propose() function. The issue is that, the values used for both votingDelay and votingPeriod is not correct and deviate from the Alchemix-V2 documentation. The governance documentation specifically states:

votingDelay- 72 hours (time delay from proposal being proposed to when it is voted on votingPeriod)

1 epoch- (2 weeks) (period of time when a proposal can be voted on)

Documentation link: https://alchemixdao.notion.site/veALCX-Launch-Parameters-Proposal-60113919e018424db7fc03c346c34386

Therefore, the proposals created via propose() would not be as per intended design of Alchemix-V2 governance. This would break the intended design of governance.

However, it should be noted that, both votingDelay and votingPeriod are not constant and can be changed after knowing this issue by calling setter function setVotingDelay() and setVotingPeriod() function.

Therfore, the issue is being identified as low severity since it fails return promised returns as per governance specification. Both votingDelay and votingPeriod are public so they are getter function by default means their return value can be called. Additionally governace interface has getter functions which can be checked here.

Impact Details

The intended governance specification i.e promised values of votingDelay and votingPeriod would be returned incorrect thereby breaking Alchemix-V2 governance design.



Recommendation to fix

Use the correct values of votingDelay and votingPeriod as per Alchemix-V2 governance documentation.

-    uint256 public votingDelay = 2 days;
+    uint256 public votingDelay = 3 days;        @audit // 72 hours as per docs
-    uint256 public votingPeriod = 3 days;
+    uint256 public votingPeriod = 2 weeks;        @audit // 1 epoch (2 weeks) as per docs

Proof of Concept

The issue is about incorrect values used in governance contracts which is deviating from Alchemix-V2 governance design and documentation. The value are used in contracts as a part of contract so highlighting the issue is important since it returns incorrect values which is against intended governance design.

Please check the Recommendation to fix above and further description to understand the issue.

This can be easily understood as its not complex issue so there is no need for coded POC.

Thanks for your understanding.

Last updated

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